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In Search of a Cyclops

Copyright © 2000


In Search of a Cyclops is a book about the ultimate final structure, delivered both in a scientific and metaphysical way. When reading this book, insight into the fascinating structures that have played important roles in human history are your reward. Inside this book an ancient battle of the mind is coming back to life between on one side the structure of unification — in which all existing structures are somehow related on a singular platform — and on the other side the structure in which unification is naturally absent: dualism. It may surprise you, but the battle is still being waged today; modern science' most profound quest is finding the final theory that will help us understand everything. In this so called theory of everything all forces are — or are not — unified on a single level.

In Search of a Cyclops dissects the structures of both unity and duality in a clever way; not surprisingly a significant difference can be seen between the two concepts. Yet it may come as a surprise that the pivotal difference revolves around the existence of a fundamental nothing. The central question you will find answered in this book is whether nothing is just plain nothing — and everything can then be brought back to a single principled platform — or if nothing is a fundamental part of our universe — where an independent second position will then always exist from the lowest ranks to the highest levels; a fundamental nothing would function as a paramount separator. The importance given to nothing has significance for our view on the universe because both structures state something different about the Big Bang, where either our universe got created on united principles, or our universe came into being out of conflicting principles. This seemingly most unimportant of differences plays therefore the leading role in this thrilling book. Let's not keep you biting your nails: mathematical evidence is delivered that nothing is indeed a fundamental part of our universe. In this book with many metaphysical examples duality wins the ages old battle. Yet if you thought that duality fully encompasses the final structure...


Chapter 1

First of all, the idea of nothing has to be put on the map. Nothing is not a phenomenon people deal with every day, and some in-depth examples are delivered to warm up our brains to nothing. As it turns out, every time a structure is researched — with the purpose to get a view on everything — a position for nothing can also be discovered. A good example is music. Music is made up of a lot of notes, and they appear to deliver the essence of a tune. Yet isn't a break in music an important aspect as well? The breaks that occur within a melody are essential parts of the melody; there is even a notation for a break. And then there is another position where nothing, or silence, is equally important, taking place before the music has even begun. To enjoy a good piece of music, there needs to be silence — a lack of all those other annoying noises. Silence has therefore two important roles to play in music: at the beginning before the music starts, and within the tune to create the excitement, the tension, that we love so much. Other structures also show an essential place for nothing: digital computer language, for instance, would not function without the zeroes. You can read the first chapter for free on-line.


Chapter 2

A historical context was chosen to find out if and when nothing was used to deliver a completed view on everything in the past. Most of us are familiar with the nothing as the fundamental part in Buddhism. Yet it has its place in other religions, in other world views, for instance, in that of Australia's Aborigines, whose Dreamworld delivers a prominent position to nothing as well. You can read the second chapter for free on-line.


Chapter 3

The current theory of the Big Bang is compactly described to show what is a center piece for today's theory of everything. Whatever is theorized, or supported with evidence, needs to fit on the earliest stage of our universe. Next to this scientific context, a philosophical pendant is mentioned to make it clear what the differences are between science and philosophy.


Chapter 4

The number zero takes in a very special position in mathematical history. Just like it takes children a couple of years to grow before they can grasp the concept of nothing the number zero has not always been known; actually, it appears rather late in history. Can the final structure be found in mathematics as well?


Chapter 5

Mathematical evidence is delivered that the number zero exists as soon as someone mentions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Intricate structures found within the natural numbers — revealed when making use of prime number sequences — showcase the occurrence of zero as part of the basics of our universe.


Chapter 6

When duality is the prominent structure, is it the only structure that matters? Are concepts using a different structure, for instance that of three dimensionality, accurate? Why can we find examples of 3D — such as our reality — and 2D — such as a movie on a screen, or a drawing on a piece of paper — but not a medium for 1D? What is a single dimension? Have you ever seen something with just a width? A broader vision is proposed in this chapter to explain dimensionality. In this chapter the title of the book In Search of a Cyclops is also explained.


Chapter 7

A new and different view on the occurrence of the Big Bang is being delivered. In this version, not singularity caused our universe to materialize, but the lack of singularity. Yet does this mean that unity has no fundamental place?


Chapter 8

The final structure for a general theory of everything is proposed in which unification plays but a peculiar role. In this chapter too, an explanation is given about the meaning of pyramids, proposing the idea that ancient people from all over the world had already acquired a high level of abstract thinking when they build the pyramids.


Chapter 9

Jerry Seinfeld said that nobody had ever explained where nothing came from. Here is a good explanation! With separation as the cause for our universe to come into existence nothing is essentially the single most important reason why we are here. So, the question is not where did nothing come from, but where did everything else come from?


Chapter 10

Finally, let's face it: there are not many people who like nothing; whole cultures have lived without it. In the Western world we still live without it, because did you know that the Christian calendar does not have a year zero? Jesus was officially born in the year minus 1. The structurally bizarre result is that the Christian calendar is based on an event that did not happen at the beginning of that calendar. Confusion — for instance when the new Millennium started — is created by nothing but our own aversion of nothing. We need to come to grips that understanding nothing's significance is a necessary tool to help understand the age-old struggle of scientific, religious, and philosophical communities, and that it therefore helps shed an invisible but nevertheless shining light on the historical struggle of the human mind, and the overall picture that we so desperately want to understand. Read this book to discover the proper placing of gravity, the electromagnetic force, and much more in a familiar ancient overall model.


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